CalmConnect Builds Co-Regulation, Safety, and Affiliation

CalmConnect Reduced Off-Task Behavior In Classrooms As Much As 81% When Used For Just Five Minutes/Day

CalmConnect Is The Only Patented Program For Self-Regulation

CalmConnect Is An Evidence-Based, Trauma-Informed Program

CalmConnect Decreases Anxiety And Depression

CalmConnect Improves Sleep

CalmConnect: In the Classroom

Research: CalmConnect reduced off-task behavior by 80% when used for just 5 minutes per day in Wayzata Public Schools and by 59% in Saint Paul Public Schools.

CalmConnect Benefits All Ages

CalmConnect works for people of all ages and abilities as it reduces loneliness, builds community, and improves emotional, mental, and physical health. MaryAnn gives a great description of the program’s benefits for older adults.

Kindergarten Classroom Using CalmConnect for the Very First Time

“CalmConnect is a fantastic resource that should be in every classroom.”

— Dr. William Steele, Founder of the National Institute for Trauma and Loss in Children

Autism: Reduce Meltdowns

CalmConnect is an incredible self-regulation program!  I’ve been thrilled with what CalmConnect is doing in classrooms, home programs and direct therapy as it immediately calms and organizes children.  Within minutes is calms even non-verbal children with autism in distress! CalmConnect calms and focuses a child with ASD in as little as 4 minutes.”

— Nancy Lawton-Shirley OTR/L, Founder of Points of Stillness and Co-Founder Camp Avanti and International Lecturer on Sensory Processing

Locations Using Our Programs

Program Reviews

“The apparent simplicity of this program can be deceptive, but the results of frequent, or even intermittent use are quite startling. Clinically we are noting changes in calm state, social interaction, expressive language, attention, behavioral organization and imitation, and group unity.”

Eileen W. Richter, MPH, OTR/L, FAOTA

Founder, Professional Development Programs, Richter Active Integration Resources, Co-Founder, Avanti Camp Icoghowan, PrairieCare Medical Group (affiliated with the University of MN)

“As an occupational therapist specializing in sensory processing, I have been thrilled at what CalmConnect is doing in classrooms, home programs, and direct therapy as it immediately calms and organizes children.  Within minutes it calms even nonverbal children with autism in distress!  Increased eye contact, decreased self-stim, increased vocalizations, increased arm awareness, strength, and alert state are common and consistently seen. CalmConnect has been an exciting addition to the therapy routines!”

Nancy Lawton-Shirley, OTR

Speaker, Sensory Processing Founder, Points of Stillness

 “I’ve been involved with neuroscience as a base of activity for a very long time and I’m so impressed with the foundations that CalmConnect brings… as we go forward we’re going to compile a lot more of the neuroscience that relates to this work.  It looks like such a simple activity, but it’s really not.”

Patricia Wilbarger, Clinical Psychologist, MEd, OTR, FAOTA

FAOTA Developed the concept of “Sensory Diet,” designed the Wilbarger Deep Pressure and Proprioceptive Technique (DPPT) and the Oral Tactile Technique (OTT) for sensory defensiveness

“One patient was hit in the head with shrapnel in Afghanistan in 2004 and has a history of PTSD/anxiety causing severe insomnia. Since using CalmConnect he is able to get to sleep faster and get better sleep.  He told me that this has been the greatest help with his sleep far and above any drugs or meditation.”

Kelly Hermann OTR

US Naval Hospital Rota, Spain

“Because of CalmConnect, I can often reduce or even eliminate the use of medications in patients with anxiety and depression.”

Dr. Timothy P. Culbert, MD, FAAP

Medical Director of Integrative Medicine, PrairieCare

 “Tiernan went from three meltdowns a day requiring physical restraint to none because of CalmConnect!” 

Dana Hopkins

Parent of Adolescent Son with Autism

“This program reduced off-task behavior by 81% when used for only 5 minutes a day in Wayzata Public Schools.”

Dr. Stacey Lackner, PhD

Director of Research and Evaluation, Wayzata Schools

CalmConnect is a fantastic resource that should be in every classroom.”

Dr. William Steele

Founder of the National Institute for Trauma and Loss in Children


Email: [email protected]
Phone: 612-940-1607